This is a screenshot of WordFreak (v 2.1) being used to perform ACE named-entity and coreference annotation for Arabic using the Text Viewer component. The file was loaded using the ACE plugin which provides support for the ACE Pilot Format v2.0.1. The plugin can also display English and Chinese ACE files.
This is a screenshot of WordFreak (v 2.1) being used to perform Chinese Treebanking using the Tree Viewer component. Note the toggle-able sentence preview at the bottom of the screen. This feature is new to version 2.1. WordFreak has built-in support for Treebank formated annotation.
This is a screenshot of WordFreak (v 2.2) being used to perform MUC Named-Entity annotation using the Concordance Viewer component. This uses the MUC plugin which provides support for MUC annotated named-entity and coreference annotation.
This is a screenshot of WordFreak (v 2.2) being used to perform English Treebanking annotation using the TreeTable component.